The following are the emoluments and torts that will impact on,economic culture regarding jobs,infrastructures,roads,gasepipe lines,tourism,market values,dry fruit business,effect on music,language,people's lifestyles,transportation, industries ,factories,environmental effect on air,soil,forests,water.
i.Trade and link road and chitral dir malakand road and chitral shandor gilgit roads will minimize the time for public transport and general trunks,reducing the shipment cost for local markets and Tenancies for common citizens and passengers travelling outside the District.
ii.Public traffic and outsider will increase effecting the local markets and Bazars definitely. iii.Multi lingual interaction will effect the local culture and traditions.
iv.Competition among the local chitrali and the new comer from outside the District will increase effecting the poor chitrali shopkeeper and the capitalists like Pathans,Bajawories,even Punjabis will hold maximum in the markets resulting the Exploitations of Chitralis.
iv.The lands and property valve will increase resulting the out of approach of common Chitralis that's will certainly benefit the elite and outsiders.
v. Tourism will be in the peak after the tunnel inauguration,this will be due to proper advertisement of Chitral through media focus.
vi.Khowar language will be effected by the mixture of multi languages due to the outsiders. vii.Khowar and chitrali local and traditional songs will change ,as we have already been effected by the new and pop type music introduced by the new generation,local bands , those have impressed from the studio version of mixture of pashtoo،shina,broshes,urdu,english etc,will sure effect the indigenous cultural and music. viii.will be industrial focus for mining like the Best Iron in Pakistan is in Dmail Arando Chitral,marble factories, forest timbers,woord,firewood's demand and supply will increase in and outside the district, due to safe and easy,widened roads,this will result the deforestation in chitral as we have been already facing the timber mafia monopoly , hundreds of thousands cubic feet of construction wood have been sent outside the district, through smugglers and also local timber contractors supported by government.
ix. The pollution sound,soil,air,water will increase,currenlty all the sewerages pour into the chitral river from Drosh bazar,gehrait army camp,chitral Bazars,Danin side all the latrines and squalidness has been exerting in the Chitral river for the last two decades and no proper solution for this main problem hasn't ever been discussed by the leaderships.
x.Private jobs in in the construction companies ,working in the chitral,will benefit the jobless youths and opportunities for experience and financial support.
xi.If the gas pipeline plan is executed, definitely decrease the demand of firewood and will save our forest.
xii.Chitral will in the media focus in every occasion,festivals ie in jeshn e shandor(June,july),
jeshe chitral(March,april),
jeshen e qaqlasht(mid of april),
jeshn e baharan(april),
kalash festivals chilom josht(beginning of spring),
Chitarmas(in the welcome of new year),
oochal(in winter season),
Jeshn e Boroghol (summer) etc. xiii.Our cultural,traditions etc will be much highlighted,which will result the increase of income,development to tourism industry,film industry will possibly introduced in chitral,for shooting and sceneries just like BBC video shooted on the Snow leopards,Lolly wood,Holly wood,for dramas,films, can been screened and shoot in different beautiful location in chitral,like,historical forts,places, Birmoghlast old fort in the top of mountain,In Kalash vallyes,Qaqlasht area,In shandor,In laware top mountains etc.
These are few of the main points ,there will much more things will certainly read their peak having both positive and negative impacts on our Chitral
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